Why I Decided on a Website

• By Muelsyse

As with any human being, I am not perfect. I have made many mistakes in the past and will do more in the future. Please be patient with me, and if I make any mistake in this website, feel free to contribute to it yourself. The website code and content are licensed differently, so do check them out to know your rights.

Hello World 👋

This is the first and hopefully many blog posts that I will write. There are a lot of things that I have at the back of my head that I wanted to talk about but I’ve never been sure to use what medium I should use until I created this website.

Why Did I Decide on a Website?

I’ve always been that guy who never stops talking about tech, for better or for worse. As with any kid who grew up in the early 21st century, I had ambitions to become a YouTuber. I just wanted a platform to express myself but in the end decided against it because to put it frankly - I am a terrible video editor. In hindsight, it was probably for the better, I can’t imagine relying solely on YouTube as my primary platform of expression (I may explore it again though if necessary, as a side-quest).

When I joined the Linux community back in 2022, it was the first time I started reading developer blogs to keep up with the news surrounding it (when I refer to Linux, I refer to the whole operating system, not just the kernel). This was how I got introduced to the concept of the IndieWeb, which I may end up elaborating on in a future post. To keep it short, this was also how I got introduced to the Fediverse, which can be described as humanity bringing social media back to the hands of the people rather than big corpos like Meta, Google and Bytedance.

Personally, I am very much fond of the idea that social media should be decentralized. Corporate web and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race and the environment. I grew up during a time where the IndieWeb was on its way out from the mainstream. It’s about time that we embrace it again. Thus, this website was created.

One of the posts I plan to write is a full on guide on how to set up your own website with Zola, my Static Site Generator (SSG) of choice. It’s relatively easy (I went through many problems myself so you don’t have to) but there would be no promises as to when that will release though. The lack of video guides on Zola also irks me slightly.

While the links to some of my online accounts can be found in the footer, I’ll repost them here so that people can check them out easier.


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